Thursday, October 21, 2004

GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why it's so great to be a Red Sox fan. Had the Yanks won last night, it would have been their 40th pennant, and <yawn> no one would have cared. But the Sox win? That made HISTORY!!!

Last night, every non-Yankees fan across the country was rooting for the Sox, and they're going to keep rooting for us all through the Series. We are America's darlings! This is why you keep on believing, year after year, heartbreaking loss after heartbreaking loss (don't even talk to me about last year). Take that, Evil Empire! Who's your Papi?

Tonight it will be the Astros or the Cards, and I really hate Clemens. I hated that arrogant lug when he was playing for the Sox, I didn't care how many strikes he pitched. I hated him more when he went to the Yanks after promising he'd never play against the Sox, and I hate him for "retiring" and still being around to annoy us. So, obviously, I want to Cards to win; I've always liked them anyway.

My downstairs neighbor, who knocked on my door at 12:30 last night to celebrate with me, did point out that if the Astros win, it will be Boston versus Texas, kind of like another big competition we've got going on right now. The political implications would be entertaining, to say the least. But I don't think I could take the added stress. Better to put Houston in its place now, and let all our Boston boys ride on to victory!

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