Thursday, July 07, 2005

Brangelina: please say it's so

If it's true that the goddess is gravid, then this will be the sexiest baby alive! I only hope they'll leave the poor kid's hair alone. Maddox has a mohawk these days, and Brad is hitting the bleach again. Is good hair a gift reserved only for Angelina? (and me, of course.)

Of course she is denying the rumors, but then again, so is Demi Moore, and she's like six months along now. But I suspect this is not the first pregnancy for la Jolie. Back in November, she did a cover article feature for Allure magazine. Not included in the linked archive is an oft-used feature of said cover packages, where they have the star in question look at a stack of old photos of themselves and comment on what they were thinking or wearing or digesting when the photo was taken. In reference to a photo of herself in a flowing dress, that billowed noticeably in front, Angelina said that she had a secret when that photo was taken, that she was hiding something. Were I a better reporter, I could give you more proof than inuendo here, or at least the photo. Alas, this is why I'm on the production side of things.

1 comment:

Personalidade Bloguinho Portuga said...

Do you really think that Angelina "hot mamma" Jolie will be a good parent? I'm not really a fan of this kind of subjects, I mean, celebrites' love lifes and personal lifes and whatever, but I think I read somewhere that Ms. Jolie had had some episodes of self inflicting pain and she doesn't exactly convey the image of a balanced person.