Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's the big deal?

Things that are not at all related to the secret:

my sex life
my health
Brad or Angelina
... umm ...

Well, I was making this list up in my head as I was stumbling back home from the subway this morning, trying to distract myself from the waves of nausea. Pretty understandable, I think, that I've forgotten it before I managed to post it.

Guesses will be entertained, but neither confirmed nor denied.


Anonymous said...

you're moving to d.c.

Maggie said...

Aw, c'mon. Moving to DC is soooo two years ago! ;)

Not sure how Siena would feel about bunnies in the house. Considering how she's been treating her new toy mouse made of rabbit fur, I'm guessing it would be a bloody spectacle.

That said, I'm still not actually confirming or denying anything. I'd like to continue to deude myself for a bit longer and feel like a woman of mystery instead of an open book for a change.